Other pics of this Martini Cadet can be seen here
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Welcome to my new web site! If you need almost any type of general gunstock work done, you have come to the right place! In addition to new checkering, I offer a variety of other gunstock services. The following pages provide me with the opportunity to show you some examples of my work. If you enjoy firearms, I am sure you'll enjoy exploring my site. You may not have any particular project in mind right now, but sooner, or later, you will! Please keep me in mind.
Feel free to contact me regarding any question that you might have about a project that you have in mind.
Clint Meier
103 N. Van Buren Rd.
Lone Jack, MO 64070
CGM Gunstock Checkering - UPDATE, January 1, 2025:
Although I have retired from actively doing stock work and checkering, I have accumulated some things over the years that I feel the time has come to find new homes for and am willing to sell. Some of these items are gun related bits and pieces, and some are unrelated. I am keeping my FFL for the time being. Anyone can check me out on the ATF's FFL eZ Check page so you know exactly to who and where you may be sending your money if making a purchase.
LINK: https://fflezcheck.atf.gov/FFLEzCheck/fflSearch.action?warning_banner_accept=true
My FFL eZCheck # is: 5-43-39323.
Please check out my FOR SALE by Clint 'collection' to see what I have listed, each item shown with full descriptions in its own separate 'album'. (under construction)
The direct link to the 'FOR SALE by Clint' collection is:
If you would like to see collections of some of the stock work I have done in the past, you may click on this link:
Best regards........Clint.
CGM Gunstock Checkering - UPDATE, August 26, 2023:
Hello to all former and prospective future clients! It is with great regret that I must inform you all of my decision to not take in any more work for the foreseeable future. This is due to several factors: The arthritis in both hands continues to be a problem which only allows me to now work for a few hours each day. I have recently been diagnosed with dry eye macular degeneration. It is in its very early stage, so does not affect my vision at all yet, but someday it will.
I recently also found out that I have prostate cancer and will be starting treatments for that this fall. I have no idea how that will affect me yet. My wife’s health has undergone some changes which require me to help her with day-to-day things around the house to a much greater extent than she needed before. I have about a dozen, or more, of my own gun projects that I would finally like to work on and get completed before I can no longer do the work.
I’ll keep both of my websites up for a while yet because I know some of my former clients like too look at some of the things I have worked on over the years. I will be finishing up all the work that is already in-house this fall. Thanks to all of you who have trusted me with doing work on their firearms! You have been a true Blessing!
Best regards........Clint.
Sent from my Desk-top PC Dinosaur
NRA Benefactor Member
μολών λαβέ -> (Molon Labe - Come and get them!)
Clint Meier
103 N Van Buren Rd
Lone Jack, MO 64070
CGM Gunstock Checkering - UPDATE, April 2021:
I have started to have trouble with my hands and wrists since about the first of this year. I am experiencing pain and discomfort in them much of the time while doing most daily activities, as well as in trying to do gunstock work. It even hurts lifting a fork or spoon to my mouth! Needless to say, this is slowing my work down a lot! I can only do things like sanding and checkering for a few hours at a time now before needing to quit due to the pain and discomfort I am experiencing. I have quite a bit of work here, waiting, now. I will finish up whatever work is here now, and regrettably until further notice, won't be accepting and more work until I get out from under my present work load and, with the help of my doctors, determine the cause and solution to this problem. We will just have to wait and see how it goes after that as to whether I can continue my gunstock work, or not. Thank you for your kind understanding!
- Clint.
Scroll down through some examples of the various types of work I do, with links to many, many more additional projects. Each category of project is it’s own ‘collection’, and each ‘collection’ has many ‘albums’ of individual projects that make it up. The number of hours all projects took to complete are listed near the end of the text for each project. My hourly labor rate is still just $25/hr. (Jan, 2020)